Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Big knockers cost more....

The UK high street retailer Marks & Spencer has enraged it's customers, with big you aske?.....well they have just begun to.....Read more about DD+

Shipwrecked and sexy......

Shipwrecked in Gucci and Prada.....what a could you....Read more about Gucci and Prada.....

Friday, 25 July 2008

PERFECT size to hook a guy!

So did you ever wonder what girls think guys like and what girls body size guys actually like.....well, here it is.....Read more about the perfect body shape

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Miss England for world peace

Would you wish for world peace being the new Miss England?The final of Miss England with over 50 girls has just been held on Friday 18th July 2008.The only.....Read more about Miss England

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Fruit Bat hiding inside bra!

A horrified lady found a fruit bat in her bra when she was at work. Leaving it out to dry the day before, the lingerie had become the home for a baby bat. Having worn the bra for four and a half hours she then found this bat asleep in the padding. She had............